Más que cuerpos / More than bodies

Más que cuerpos / More than bodies

Title: Más que cuerpos / More than bodies
Genre: Thriller
Publisher: Editorial Anantes
Date of publication: 2015
Pages: 464

Four friends with identical tattoos disappear without trace. A woman is beaten to death by her partner. A prostitute commits suicide in suspicious circumstances. There are invisible crimes. Crimes which leave behind them only a headline in the press and a routine police investigation soon to be included in the statistics and filed in the archives. Annika Kaunda, a police officer and a gender specialist discovers gaps in the investigation of these cases with apparently no connection. In view of the lack of interest of her superiors and their haste to file the cases, she decides to follow the few available clues. If her suspicions are justified, the façade may hide the scenario both terrible and widely known.

A well-structured novel which thanks to short and descriptive chapters can be read and enjoyed in a flash. Martín Gijón ventures into detective genre with More than bodies, the first part of a series with a police officer of African descent, Annika Kaunda.

Cristina García Ferry. Abrir un libro

With its perfect structure, clearly defined characters and their personalities superbly described, with the plot and the rhythm cleverly controlled, the narrative enraptures the reader by its suggestiveness and keeps him deeply involved in the action. It should be particularly appreciated in a novel which is at the same time a means of social denunciation.

Francisco Basallote. La biblioteca de Bashir.