La ronda

La ronda

Título: La ronda
Género: Novela negra
Editorial: Reservoir Books
Fecha de publicación: Mayo 2023
Páginas: 400

Desde que empezó el año, se han descubierto en Madrid los cadáveres de varias personas ejecutadas misteriosamente. Parecen víctimas escogidas al azar, ya que las han hallado en lugares remotos de la capital. Sin embargo, hay dos investigadores pertenecientes a comisarías distintas que están empeñados en seguir, cada uno por su cuenta, las pocas pistas disponibles.

Se trata de la inspectora Dulce O’Rourke, de personalidad explosiva pero insegura en su vida sentimental, y del inspector Juan Luis Seito, en apariencia apocado pero capaz de remover cielo y tierra si destapa un caso importante.

Cuando llegan a la conclusión de que un mercenario de élite está rondando las calles de la ciudad, saltan todas las alarmas. Es alguien con mucha experiencia, acostumbrado a matar impunemente. Algo está pasando. Algo demasiado complicado. Y también demasiado grande. Algo que nadie, en ninguna parte del mundo, ha detectado hasta ahora.

Francisco Bescós traps you in a macabre game that you can't get out of. 𝘓𝘢 𝘙𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘢 is a formidable novel.

Santiago Díaz, writer

𝘓𝘢 𝘙𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘢 is a sweeping journey into the depths of evil. You will no longer walk the ground of your city with the same innocence.

Ibon Martín, writer

A good example of a modern crime novel, very Madrid and very international. 𝘓𝘢 𝘙𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘢 is as fast-paced as the urban motorway on which it takes place.

Eduardo Laporte / Coverture

In this world there are two types of authors: those who make literature even on the shopping list, and those who don't. Paco Bescós is one of the first.

Jesús Lens / Ideal de Granada

A very noir novel, with a narrative of a thriller, which is also - and this is not easy nowadays - very original.

Juan Infante / Carta Negra de El Correo

What a story! An electrifying thriller that has given me a few heart-stopping days. What a cocktail of emotions. It takes on a strong commitment to offer quality entertainment.

Moritz García / Moon Magazine

Francisco Bescós has created a novel that reinvents the genre a little, providing it with new ingredients with which to confront the readers and from which he comes out successful and strengthened.

Manuel Acosta / Cartagena Negra

The author manages to make even the most trivial things interesting and the most implausible things are actually a covert springboard to relaunch the suspense to a higher level.

Mr. Tom / Polar Reviews

𝘓𝘢 𝘙𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘢 is a crime novel with a plot formed in concentric circles. Once one is completed, a larger one appears. Each move forward is followed by a new mystery. Each discovery leads to a new mystery.

Jordi Valero / Interrobang