Susana Martín Gijón

Susana Martin Gijón is the author of the detective series Más que cuerpos, consisting of two trilogies. One is made up of the novels Más que cuerpos (2013), Desde la eternidad (2014) and Vino y pólvora (2016) whereas the other one includes short novels of auto-fiction, Pensión Salamanca (2016), Destino Gijón (2016) and  Expediente Medellín (2017), the winner of the Premio Cubelles Noir 2018 for the best novel  published in Spanish. In the first trilogy, the main characters are the police officer Annika Kaunda and the journalist Bruno Scorza together with a wide array of other figures and a distinct social focal point. In the second, metaphysical elements and another character are introduced: the author herself, who will have to handle matters within the limits of reality and fiction. In 2015, Susana Martín Gijón published Náufragos, a finalist in several prestigious competitions like the Premio Literario Felipe Trigo or La Trama de Ediciones B. She combines her interest in noir with short stories, a genre which has brought her several awards – Círculo de Bellas Artes de Tenerife, Short Stories for Equality- Ayuntamiento de Burgos and the award of the Association of the Spanish Writers and Artists, as well as the prize for the Crime Short Story of the Granada Noir Festival. Her stories are included in different national and international anthologies. A graduate in law, with a post-graduate course in International Law and Cooperation for Development she was General Director of the Institute of Youth in Extremadura and has been President of the Committee Against Racism, Xenophobia and Intolerance. She has coordinated the Area of the Defence of the Rights of People Affected with Autism in the Spanish Organization Autismo España and she is now a legal expert in the area of social policies. As writer and lecturer, she has participated in literary festivals and congresses, such as International Literary Congress Medellín Negro in Colombia, Feria del Libro de Manizales, Congreso de Novela y Cine Negro de Salamanca, Semana Negra de Gijón, Getafe Negro festival, Tenerife Noir, Fiesta del Libro y la Cultura de Medellín,  Granada Noir and Cubelles Noir.



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