Despiértame cuando acabe septiembre
Title: Despiértame cuando acabe septiembre
Genre: Thriller
Publisher: Roca Editorial
Date of publication: April 2019
Pages: 288
All tracks of a young Spanish man disappear in the south of England after he has left a message asking for help on his mother’s phone. In spite of having rarely left her small village before, she decides to go and find him. A year before, her husband lost his life in the quiet waters of the Albufera Lagoon and she does not want to have to go through the moments of anguish and distress again. The Civil Guard found Antonio’s boat adrift with traces of blood on board. Amparo is convinced he is dead but people in the village are saying other things. When she arrives in England, she finds out that her husband might still be alive, that he caused the death of a woman and was part of a criminal conspiracy of intrigue.